Accounting firms and their clients mutually benefit when firms make the move to offering payroll services. This course will provide a basic introduction on building a profitable payroll business, including the opportunity that exists for firms to add this service, the benefits of online payroll, what firms can do to make payroll profitable, as well as some tips on selling and marketing payroll within your practice. Making the change from traditional payroll systems to online systems will be highlighted.
This webinar will include a 20-30 minute software demonstration.
Learn the basics of payroll management
Understand the potential benefits of making the move to offering payroll services, including client relationships and financial opportunities
Learn how to get started
Ann Michele, VA
"I have been doing paid webinars through for the past year. A friend recommended your site, and I immediately found a seminar that interested me with a suitable broadcast time. This experience was a vast improvement over the grainy web-cam video footage, streaming glitches, hit-or-miss instructors, zero interaction, and inability to download some course materials I have previously encountered. The instructors were engaging and moved the course along at a good pace. I truly can't believe this was free. I look forward to viewing more webinars from your site."Gloria, OR
"This webinar was very enlightening for me. I've always known payroll processing is an important service to provide my clients, but after going through this webinar, I better appreciate the complications that arise from payroll itself, and know the assistance and protection I provide to my clients really are a great benefit to them. I have more confidence in talking with my clients about their needs and the protection they receive by contracting with me to handle their payroll processing, whether its using my in-house software or the online options now available."Bonnie, HI
"Well-presented. Excellent information. Good to know that even the smallest employer, with only one employee is welcome. The seminar demonstrated that a small employer has the option of an online payroll solution which removes the most frightening aspects (compliance, reporting, etc.) while saving the business owner / manager all the time and grief of in-house processing. Additionally, it saves the Trusted Adviser (CPA, EA, other) valuable time."Takeisha, IL
"I have attended many CPA Academy webinars over the last year or so. "Building a Profitable Payroll Business" was one of the best I've attended. It was very informative- including some of the benefits and risks of offering payroll services to clients. I especially liked the sponsor's willingness to address comments immediately throughout the session. Kudos."Gene, CT
"I have several client outsourcing payroll to a service, unhappily, so I have been considering adding Payroll as a core service or at least on a wholesale bases. This seminar really brought out some reason for me to pursue it, but will approach it carefully considering those points addressed in the webinar."Charles, AZ
"I could not be more pleased about the whole learning experience provided by It is all very easy from the option to have it post the learning session on Outlook to the learning content provided. Presenters are very competent and knowledgeable in their field. I highly recommend it."Dianne, IN
"I have participated in several seminars from CPAacademy over the past year and I have always been impressed with the way the presentations are handled. Some online webinars take the whole hour just to figure out how to talk to the audience. Scott has it down pat! I keep coming back for more."Delroy, FL
"The webinar was simply well organized, and well presented. I had signed previously for multiple webinars but were unable to attend before now. This webinar was very helpful and I am looking forward to the next one which starts in half an hour. Again, great webinar."
SurePayroll, Inc.
Partner Marketing Account Manager
(857) 676-8420 ext. 7090
Luke Reynebeau is the Partner Marketing Account Manager at SurePayroll, and liaison to the accountant reseller partners at SurePayroll. He is experienced in and passionate about helping reseller partners nationwide make their payroll businesses an easy and profitable part of their business offering to clients. With extensive experience working with both Fortune 100 companies and small businesses alike, Luke has the go-to-market know-how to put it simply: how can we make it easier for small businesses to succeed?